Courtesy of Marvel Studios
Werewolf By Night is the MCU special presentation on Disney + directed by Michael Giacchino and stars Gael Garcia Bernal, Laura Donnelly, and Harriet Sansom Harris. The special tells a less-than-an-hour story about a monster hunter named Jack Russell that turns into a werewolf, and Elsa Bloodstone, who is Ulysses Bloodstone’s daughter. This is the first official Marvel Cinematic Universe special presentation for Disney +. This is also Michael Giacchino’s biggest project that he’s directing. Werewolf By Night is coming out around Halloween and the end of Phase 4. Phase 4 has been up and down for many fans. How does Werewolf By Night compare to the other projects?
Werewolf By Night is a different kind of MCU project that is much needed for a Phase that some people have not loved. It has a different style than what fans have been used to with MCU projects. The pacing of the special is a lot better than most episodes of the MCU shows. The pacing is also better than the last two MCU movies, even though Werewolf By Night is around fifty-three minutes long. It’s similar to the classic horror films that were in black and white. It’s different because it has the action of a superhero film.
The acting in Werewolf By Night is great and some of the best in the 2022 MCU projects. Laura Donnelly as Elsa Bloodstone is incredible and hopefully, we get to see more of this character in the future. Gael Garcia Bernal as Jack Russell is also great. The makeup and werewolf costume for Garcia Bernal was great. Man-Thing makes his official MCU appearance as well and it’s great to see him. The action is some of the best action so far in Phase 4. They go for that PG-13 to R rating border with the action. It was such a great project that I wish it was a bit longer, and want to explore this new corner of the MCU. Hopefully, the 2024 Blade can match or top this level of action combined with horror.
All in all, Werewolf By Night is one of the best Phase 4 projects. The acting was great, as well as the action. It was a great combination of classic horror with its black-and-white cinematography and the MCU style. It would be nice to see the MCU not only do more horror projects, but more special presentations. Michael Giacchino should also direct more projects and should be considered for the 2024 Blade film.
Final Grade-A-
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