Courtesy of HBO
The implications of last week's episode of House of the Dragon will have a major impact on the war between Team Green vs Team Black. King Aegon has been burned badly which means a new leader must rise for Team Queen. Team Black lost one of it's best dragonriders in Rhaenys and one of the most experienced people on both sides. What would the fallout be from last week? Let's find out.
This episode is definitely more calmer than the previous episode. It starts in King's Landing as Criston and his men are making their way back. They proclaim Meleys a traitor dragon. Aegon is back in King's Landing but is severely wounded from his injuries and is in a coma. The grand maester does surgery on him to prevent him from dying but is unsure if it will be successful. Alicent is concerned about her son's life but Aemond has different things on his mind. He immediately inquires about who is the King while Aegon is down.
Back at Dragonstone, Team Black is mourning the loss of Rhaenys. Corlys has his own little moment at Driftmark where he looks at the throne and tear falls down his face. Questions from Rhaenyra's council have angered and frustrated her. Rhaenyra feels like she can't do her part in helping to win the war. Her council won't allow her into battle or do the neccessary things to help her family.
Questions from who will be the next leader in King's Landing were immediatelty answered. Alicent pledges her name to be the leader but the council dismisses her and chooses Aemond to be the next leader of King's Landing. There's a great shot of Aemond taking the King's position at the table and the camera just keeps it on Alicent's face. Alicent keeps realizing her mistake and all of the things that will happen as a result of it.
If the Thrones universe couldn't get any weirder, this episode provides us with the image of Daemon having sex with his mother. Of course it was a dream sequence (thank God) but it's still a shocking sight to see. Daemon is plotting his own moves in Harrenhal by getting his own army that will fight for him. It's clearer with every week that Daemon is looking to take the Iron Throne away from Rhaenyra. He even tells his new friend Alys Rivers that the people of King's Landing are looking for a man with strength.
Jace has a big episode. He sets up more alliances for her mother and helps discover that there are more Targaryens out there to join their family and ride dragons. Jace took a big step in this episode and was clearly the MVP.
This episode of House of the Dragon was nothing special. Coming off last week's episode there needed to be a cool down episode and this was it. It's still interesting to see how the recent developments will shake things up.
Grade: B-
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